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Don-Mills Eglinton Dental Centre

Ease Your Dental Anxiety with Sedation

At Don Mills-Eglinton Dental Centre, we understand that dental visits can be a source of anxiety for many patients. That's why we offer Laughing Gas Sedation to help both children and adults who experience mild to moderate dental anxiety. This safe and effective sedation method helps to alleviate fears and promote relaxation, allowing patients to receive the necessary treatment in a comfortable and stress-free manner. Our goal is to ensure a positive dental experience for every patient.

Who Is a Candidate for Laughing Gas Sedation?


A Strong Gag Reflex


Difficulty Achieving Numbness with Local Anesthesia


High Fear or Anxiety Related to Dental Visits


Past Traumatic Dental Experiences


Very Sensitive Teeth

Laughing Gas Sedation

​Laughing Gas, also known as nitrous oxide, does not put you to sleep. While under its effects, you can still respond to Dr. Maria Ang’s requests and answer questions. Your speech may be slightly slurred, and your responses might be slower than usual. Overall, you will feel relaxed and cooperative. You will be aware when receiving an injection and might still feel it. However, your breathing and heartbeat will remain normal throughout the procedure.

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